Self Love Saturday #8 (5/21/2022)

Self Love Seasons
1 min readMay 21, 2022
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Quote of the week

“Give yourself permission to fail.”
- Trent Shelton

Self Care Tips:

1. Take a deep breath.

2. Unclench your jaw.

3. Relax your shoulders.

A Message From Bree, Co -Founder
I am learning about the collective unconscious. I love knowing that we are all One and that we are all inter-connected. The people in your life that are frequently there or that may be random strangers passing by, always have a purpose to serve you. It feels me with love knowing that we are all inter-connected and serving each other without even knowing it.

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Do you want to share something you learned this week in our Self Love Saturday email? Share it with us here!

