How to: Have a Self Love Summer

Self Love Seasons
4 min readJul 5, 2023

A guide to a summer of self love & self transformation
Presented by Self Love Seasons


Summer is a season of warmth, joy, and adventure-a perfect time to bask in the light and cultivate self-love. As the sun shines brightly, it presents a golden opportunity to prioritize your well-being and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Let this summer be all about embracing who you are and nurturing a deep appreciation for yourself. Here are a few activities that can help you create a memorable and transformative self-love summer.

Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

Mindful Morning Rituals:

  1. Begin each day with a mindful morning routine that sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. Wake up early and take a moment to breathe deeply, meditate, or practice yoga. Engaging in activities that ground you and align your mind, body, and spirit will help you build a strong foundation of self-care.
Photo by tamara garcevic on Unsplash

Outdoor Adventures:

2. Embrace the great outdoors and indulge in activities that bring you joy and connect you with nature. Go for long walks in the park, hike through scenic trails, swim in natural bodies of water, or simply have a picnic in a beautiful spot. Spending time in nature has a profound impact on our well-being and can help us reconnect with ourselves.

Photo by Finde Zukunft on Unsplash

Journaling and Reflection:

3. Allocate some time each day to journaling and self-reflection. Write down your thoughts, dreams, and goals. Reflect on your strengths, accomplishments, and areas for growth. Journaling not only helps you understand yourself better but also acts as a powerful tool for self-expression and self-discovery.

Photo by Blaz Erzetic on Unsplash

Creative Pursuits:

4. Engaging in creative activities can be incredibly therapeutic and empowering. Explore your artistic side by painting, drawing, writing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. Allow your creativity to flow freely, without any judgment or expectations. The act of creation itself can foster self-acceptance and nurture a deep connection with your inner self.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Self-Care Pampering:

5. Take time out for luxurious self-care practices that make you feel nurtured and loved. Pamper yourself with relaxing baths, face masks, or massages. Prioritize good sleep, nourishing meals, and regular exercise. Remember, self-love is also about taking care of your physical well-being and treating yourself with kindness.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Digital Detox:

6. In the era of constant connectivity, it’s essential to unplug and give yourself a break from the digital world. Dedicate specific periods of your day or week to disconnecting from screens and immersing yourself in offline activities. Spend quality time with loved ones, read books, or explore new hobbies that don’t involve technology. Allow yourself to truly be present in the moment.

Photo by Rifath @photoripey on Unsplash

Solo Travel or Staycation:

7. Consider embarking on a solo adventure or planning a staycation where you can focus solely on yourself. Traveling alone allows for self-reflection, self-discovery, and stepping out of your comfort zone. Alternatively, you can create a nurturing space in your own home, transforming it into a sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge.

A self-love summer is an opportunity to cultivate a deep and lasting relationship with yourself. By prioritizing self-care, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and immersing yourself in moments of self-reflection, you can experience personal growth and rediscover your authentic self. Embrace this season of sunshine and warmth as a chance to love, appreciate, and celebrate the incredible person you are. Let the summer be a catalyst for a lifetime of self-love and happiness.

Originally published at

